Client: Luleå University of Technology
Date: 2014
Team: Group of five
Background: In the Indian city of Mumbai alone, there are over 250 000 auto rickshaws in use today. And while they have relatively small engines, their contribution to environment polution is high due to the large number of vehicles. Their popularity as a vehicle for public transport is largely due to them being cheap and versatile in crowded streets and cities.
Description: The assignment was to develop a proof-of-concept fuel cell auto rickshaw to be used as a platform to establish the requirements needed for an upcoming production model. We had to simulate, design and manufacture a fully working fuel cell system to be implemented in an existing TVS King auto rickshaw. This concept was to be developed specifically for the Indian market. Amongst other things, I was in charge of the auto rickshaw Adams/CAR model, bearing calculations, chain tensioning system and general gearbox and subframe design.
In the end, we successfully managed to convert a stock petrol fuelled auto rickshaw to electric propulsion. Our delivery consisted not only of the vehicle, but with accompanying Simulink model for simulating the hybrid fuel cell system and Adams/CAR model for simulating the dynamic behaviour. This package will enable other students to further develop the concept of an environmentally friendly auto rickshaw for the Indian market in future projects.